Thursday, February 26, 2009

Daylight Savings is Killing us

I am a teenager who lives in Western Austaralia, i have just heard that talk about daylight savings has just gotten on to the net, sorry to say but the talk of daylight savings has been on the net for awhile, I AM AGAINST DAYLIGHT SAVINGS.
I do not belive Western Australia needs daylight savings, my opinion is that time was created in the first place to keep track of when events and other such things would happen, not to tammper with and messup. I am in yr 11 at school, i struggle to keep my grades the same, let alone improve them, because i am to tired. i am forced to get up in the morning when the stars are still up to catch the bus (the late bus) to get to school, and im not the only one. i must walk a kilometer home in the afternoons, in the blistering heat of the afternoon, i am then expected to do homework then go to bed at a reasonable time...when its still daylight!(and still very hight temperature)
people think its great to go to the beach woo loads of spair time, rubbish, yet if u do get to the beach, well whats been happening?? more shark attacks... more skin cancer?? shall i go on?
if the work places want to be in time with the Eastern states they can open there buisnesses an hour earlyer but they should leave the schools and the rest of the state alone.
all school students grades have droped because of daylight savings, students can not concentrait on their work because of lack of sleep, they get headaches more often because of lack of sleep.
on the roads there has been more accidents more road rage more stupidity on the roads as a resoult of lack of sleep because of datlight savings.
John D'Razio and Matt Burnie should rot in gaol.
(i can't even spell because of it)(and i have a shorter temper because if daylight savings)

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